NRDB Results Help
- Field Headers
Species Category:
A grouping of species.
Scientific Name:
The scientific name of the species.
Common Names: A list of
generally accepted common names.
Most Common Name:
The common name that is generally accepted as the preferred common name for the
Family Common Name:
The preferred common name for the species family.
Family Scientific Name:
The scientific name for the species family.
The genus name (also known as the generic epithet).
The species name (also known as the specific epithet).
The variant or subspecies name.
Species Type:
The type of this species.
Non-Native: An
indicator of whether or not this species is a non-native. A value of
"Y" means this species is a non-native. A blank value means this
species is a native.
Special Status:
The designations, if any, of the special status of the species.
The document that was used as the primary source for the data for the species.
WSSF Abundance:
Abundance indicators for the winter (W), spring (S), summer (S), and fall (F).
a=abundant; c=common; u=uncommon; o=occasional; r=rare.
Comments relating to the species.
The list of abbreviations of preserves in which the species has been sighted.
More: A
graphical pointer to more information about the species.
More URL: A URL that
points to more information about the species.
The list of abbreviations of counties in which the species has been sighted.
The list of abbreviations of agencies managing preserves in which the species has been sighted.
Preserve Name: The name of the preserve.
Observation Source:
The document that was used as the source for
this observation.
Comment: A comment relating to the
species observation.